Some sports simply require you to have a lot of gear. You cannot go skiing or snowboarding without the necessary gear, otherwise, you will end up falling or hurting yourself. Motorsports require motorized vehicles and safety gear. On the other hand, running requires very little, a pair of running shoes and maybe adequate clothing, depending on the weather.
Cycling, on the other hand, requires a bicycle. But, other equipment is recommended, for multiple reasons, starting with safety. For the beginner, it is essential to know what to get, so the following is a guide on what you should purchase as a beginner cyclist.
Signal Lights
This is required by law in many countries and even if they are lax in enforcing it, you should have signal lights for your own safety. Signal lights mostly give away your location, so that other drivers can see you, mainly those in motorized vehicles. You want to be seen because otherwise, you could be in danger. This is especially important on foggy nights and in other conditions when visibility is poor.
A Helmet

Helmets can save lives. If you were brave enough, you would go to a subreddit dedicated to cycling, and see the various horror stories of what could’ve happened had the person in question not worn a helmet.
Helmets can save lives and it does not have to do everything with falling. Things can hit you when you are riding and some of them can be very dangerous. Purchase a helmet and always keep it handy. In most countries, helmets are required by law.
Mobile Phone Holder
We all like smartphones and use them on a daily basis. Having a little holder for your phone which is mounted on your frame, is one of the best investments you could purchase. It is great for navigation and in general, frees your hands and pockets. Having your mobile phone is handy, especially in case of an emergency, or multiple flat tires.
A Spare Tire (Or More)
Tires get punctured and then you can get stranded. Having more than a single spare tire is essential, especially if you go on a long run. Tires can be changed easily, but only if you have a spare. If you are riding with your friend, make sure that they also have a spare, otherwise, you might both get stranded somewhere.
A Toolkit
Universal toolkits for bicycles are pretty great things that you can purchase for little money. They have all the necessary tools if you need to do any work on your bicycle on the road. Whether adjusting your saddle or getting your wheel off, it takes some tools. Adjusting brakes and derailleurs also require tools so having them handy is great.
Bags – Luggage

Bags are great because you want to put all the stuff that you need somewhere. From spare tires to a toolkit, you would want to store them somewhere. They should be put in a bag or other type of luggage, which will free your hands and more importantly, you would not have to carry a backpack.
They are often mounted beneath the saddle or on the top of the frame, or in the case of large ones, panniers, on the back frame above the rear wheel.
Beginners should know their essentials and this is the gear every cycling beginner should consider purchasing.